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Newbie Toolkit : How To Get And Promote Your First Affiliate Products

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Newbie Toolkit : How To Get And Promote Your First Affiliate Products


Mr Advisors menyediakan banyak Ebook yang dapat menambahnilai ilmu dan kemahiran perniagaan anda. Ebook ini hanya bagi tujuan pembelajaran sahaja dan tidak boleh dikomersilkan. Ebook ini diperolehi dari sumber umum (open source) yang dibenarkan. Ikuti huraian lanjut berkenaan Ebook ruangan bawah.

THE NEWBIE TOOLKIT: How To Get And Promote Your First Affiliate Products

By Kevin Riley

This guide has been written to provide information to help you get started promoting and making commissions from affiliate products. Affiliate marketing is simply this: Getting paid for recommending other people’s products. Imagine standing out on the street during lunch hour with a sandwich board and a handful of brochures. Each brochure is stamped with your name. When a customer goes to buy a Jumbo Hot Dog, the owner sees that you recommended the customer and you get a commission.


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