Mr Advisors menyediakan banyak Ebook yang dapat menambahnilai ilmu dan kemahiran perniagaan anda. Ebook ini hanya bagi tujuan pembelajaran sahaja dan tidak boleh dikomersilkan. Ebook ini diperolehi dari sumber umum (open source) yang dibenarkan. Ikuti huraian lanjut berkenaan Ebook ruangan bawah.
There are a million reasons why you “can’t” write. So what’s your reason? It’s not your job. You don’t like it. You haven’t done it in forever. It’s hard. You’re more of a math person. Those are all bullshit. They may be true, but they’re still bullshit. There’s no reason you can’t write – no matter how “unqualified” you are for the task. This pocket guide is something to keep with you to remind you of that. There are a million courses you could take, books you could read, and experts you could talk to that would make you more “qualified” to write. But there’s no bigger step to take than simply getting the inspiration and the confidence you need to get started. Keep this pocket guide with you, and flip through to whatever section you need that day to get the small daily reminders you need that writing gooder – sorry, weller – is within your grasp. It’s not easy.
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